Dr. Nadine Burke Harris & Dave Ellis speak out on ACEs and healing

👋Welcome to the third edition of Starting Early. Every other week, we spotlight new reports, useful news, engaging interviews with people doing important work in the field, and interesting takes on issues that matter.

  • We work “upstream” on maternal and infant health and early childhood development — tackling root causes to prevent issuesfrom becoming problems; stopping problems before they become crises.

This week we discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), a term that is relatively new to our mainstream vocabulary and is having a powerful impact on public health discussions and policymaking.

The basic idea is that early trauma and adversity that young children experience can lead to long-term health problems.

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Welcome to the second edition of Starting Early

This week, we highlight World Maternal Mental Health Day, drawing attention to the essential mental health concerns women face. The COVID-19  pandemic has taken a disproportionate toll on women — with working moms bearing the brunt of home-schooling and childcare, leading to over 2 million women leaving the workforce.

Looking ahead to Mother’s Day on Sunday 🌷, we believe it is vital to lift the work of women and honor the work of mothers. We recognize that when we invest in women and girls, we are investing in the people who invest in everyone else.

Please read on and we invite you to click through the links to go deeper.

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Welcome to Starting Early

You received this inaugural edition of the Burke Foundation’s newsletter, Starting Early, because of your interest in helping all children get the strong start they need to reach their full potential in life.

Like you, we work “upstream” on maternal and infant health and early childhood development — tackling root causes to prevent issues from becoming problems; stopping problems before they become crises.

Every other week, we’ll provide highlights of new reports, useful news, engaging interviews with people doing important work in the field, and interesting takes on issues that matter.

Our promise to you: We’ll keep Starting Early lively and short – with plenty of links so you explore what you want, when you want.  

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